Thursday, January 24, 2013

Garden Of 2013 Is Underway!

I went to Lowes and bought this $7 green house that comes with peat pods
Here is an unwatered peat pod the way they come in the box
Then I added water like it said to on the box
Then they expanded
But you still gotta mush 'em around and help it expand more here is before and after the mushing haha
Then you gotta open up the top of the peat pot and plant your seeds according to their depth directions on the back of the seed pack
LABEL so you know what is what!!
Keep the lid on until you need to water them
This is what I planted for now (minus the lima beans, I decided against them)
Look how tiny sage seeds are!

1 comment:

  1. It's an exciting time when warm weather gets here and the veggie garden starts to take shape. there's something about geting your hands in the dirt and to see the progress take place. To know that you can grow your own food. My most favorite part is sharing with others.this year however spring time comes right a recovery time for my 2nd knee surgery. I hope to still get out there in May to Plant some brockly it likes cooler weather and it's so easy to grow.(not from seed) I have tried to plant carrots, cabbage, with no success must be something I am doing wrong. But still I try. I figure I have the easy part....droping a few seeds in the ground not hard, it's God who has to figure out how the rest works. Thank you Lord for making my part easy.
