Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 9

I upcycled some containers and just re-potted them today into bigger containers. Here are the radish plants
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green bean plants
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then I re-potted them today Here are the radish plants
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Beans
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I planted 5 strawberry roots in these pots I got for free and painted myself
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I planted 3 strawberry plants in a hanging basket (probably over crowded but we'll see how it pans out
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My lettuce and spinach are growing slowly & need to be potted soon
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And lastly my sage

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 4


Green bean

The lettuce is so tiny that tomorrow I maybe able to get a picture, and the sage has not made an appearance yet

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Impatient Gardening

Are you a VERY impatient gardener? Want to plant seeds and see growth SOON? These are great to plant with kids too: Veggies: Cress Lettuce Mustard greens Oriental greens Radish Scallions Spinach Turnip Kale Parsley Zucchini Broccoli Peas Bush Beans Fruits don't grow near as fast but if you just gotta try a fruit go for a pumpkin! It would be fun for kids to grow it and then have a pumpkin to carve for Halloween.

Baby Veggies Day 2

Lettuce just starting

Thursday, January 24, 2013

April and May Garden Plans

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to plant these NOW, but I gotta wait. Here is a sneak peek
So guess how long asparagus lives for... 15 YEARS! And it grows like this
When it is time to plant my strawberries I am going to plant them in a pot like this
And lastly my jalapeno peppers well I still gotta figure it out, but this is part of the adventure... learning as you go =)

Garden Of 2013 Is Underway!

I went to Lowes and bought this $7 green house that comes with peat pods
Here is an unwatered peat pod the way they come in the box
Then I added water like it said to on the box
Then they expanded
But you still gotta mush 'em around and help it expand more here is before and after the mushing haha
Then you gotta open up the top of the peat pot and plant your seeds according to their depth directions on the back of the seed pack
LABEL so you know what is what!!
Keep the lid on until you need to water them
This is what I planted for now (minus the lima beans, I decided against them)
Look how tiny sage seeds are!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Worm Facts

Start by clicking here Second how are temperatures currently where you live hi and low click here Are there worms out in your back yard? Hell if I know get out there with a shovel lazy! lol Ask your hip gardening friends to share some worms or perhaps let you search in their yard. Bring along a container Some places sell worms. Worm facts click here red wigglers are the best